

Capability: the transformer can carry out an inverse transform.

  • String name: "capability:inverse_transform"

  • Public capability tag

  • Values: boolean, True / False

  • Example: True

  • Default: False

  • Alias: "inverse-transform"

This tag applies to transformations.

If the tag is True, the transformer can carry out an inverse transform, i.e., the transformer can carry out the operation that is an inverse, pseudo-inverse, or approximate inverse (such as denoising inverse) of the operation carried out by the transform method.

The inverse transform is available via the method inverse_transform.

If inverse_transform is available, the following tags specify additional properties and behaviour of the inverse transform:

  • "capability:inverse_transform:range": the domain of invertibility of the transform.

  • "capability:inverse_transform:exact": whether the inverse transform is expected to be an exact inverse to the transform.

  • "skip-inverse-transform": if used in a pipeline, the transformer will skip the inverse transform, if the tag is True.

If the capability:inverse_transform tag is False, the transformer cannot carry out an inverse transform, and will raise an error if an inverse transform is attempted.