

The scitype of the input data for the transformer.

  • String name: "scitype:transform-input"

  • Public scitype tag

  • Values: string, one of "Series" or "Panel"

  • Example: "Series"

  • Default: "Series"

Transformations in sktime are polymorphic and can have one of multiple input/output behaviours, depending on the scitype of the input data.

The following tags specify input/output behaviour:

  • "scitype:transform-input": the scitype of the input data X.

  • "scitype:transform-output": the scitype of the output data, given the input.

  • "scitype:instancewise": whether the transformation is instance-wise.

  • "scitype:transform-labels": the scitype of the target labels y, if used

  • "requires_X": whether X is mandatory in fit and transform

  • "requires_y": whether y is mandatory in fit and transform

The tags "scitype:transform-input" and "scitype:transform-output" together specify the input/output typing of the transformation.

The possible values for both are from a list of scitype strings, which are:

  • "Series": a single time series.

  • "Panel": a panel of time series, i.e., a collection of time series.

  • "Primitives": a collection of primitive types, e.g., a collection of scalars. This is an alias for the scitype "Table" used in the datatypes module.

The combination of the two tags is to be read as:

  • if "scitype:transform-input" has value input_type, and "scitype:transform-output" has value output_type,

  • then, if I pass input data of scitype input_type to transform of the transformer, I will get output data of scitype output_type.

  • further input types are handled by broadcasting over instances or indices, where possible.

For instance, if a transformer has "scitype:transform-input" being "Series", and "scitype:transform-output" being "Series", then transform will produce a single time series as output, given a single time series as input.

Other input types are handled by broadcasting over instances or indices. For instance, in the same case, if the input a panel of time series (of scitype "Panel"), then the transformer will transform each time series and produce an output panel of time series (of scipy "Panel").

It should be noted that this is in the case where both tags have value "Series", the behaviour for "Panel" is implied by broadcasting.

The value "Panel" is used only if the transformation adds index levels, or removes index levels, or changes the number or indices of series in the panel.

Writing shorthand “Series-to-Series” for the type pair "Series" to "Series", and similarly for other types, the possible type pairs are listed below.

For illustration, it is recommended to try out the transformations mentioned, on the respective input types, to understand the behaviour.

  • Series-to-Series, this transforms individual series to individual series. Panels are transformed to Panel, and Hierarchical series to Hierarchical series. Examples are lagging, Lag, or differencing, Differencer.

  • Series-to-Primitives, this transforms individual series to a collection of primitives, a single time series is transformed to a single row of a pd.DataFrame. A panel is transformed to a pd.DataFrame, with as many rows as time series in the panel. A hierarchical series is transformed to a pd.DataFrame with the hierarchy indices retained, one row corresponding to a non-temporal leaf node. Examples are feature extraction or summarization (mean, quantiles, etc), see SummaryTransformer.

  • Series-to-Panel, this transforms individual series to a panel of time series. Panels are transformed to hierarchical series with added index levels. Examples are time series bootstrapping, where multiple bootstrap samples are produced per input series, see STLBootstrapTransformer, or TSBootstrapAdapter.

  • Panel-to-Series, this transforms a panel of time series to a single time series. Examples are aggregation with time index retained, e.g., mean per index or bin, see Merger.

The relationship between input and output types of transform is summarized in the following table, for the case where "scitype:transform-input" is "Series".

The first column is the type of X, which need not be "Series", the second column is the value of the "scitype:transform-output" tag, the third column is the type of the output of transform.

The output type is obtained from the input type of transform, from broadcasting of the types defined by the tag values.




type of return



pd.DataFrame (1-row)













The instance indices in the in return correspond to instances in the input X.