

Property: transformer returns same time index as input.

  • String name: "transform-returns-same-time-index"

  • Public property tag

  • Values: boolean, True / False

  • Example: True

  • Default: False

This tag applies to transformations.

If the tag is True, the transformer returns a transformed series with the same time index as the input series X.

This tag applies only to transformers that return time series as output, i.e., the tag scitype:transform-output is "Series" or "Panel".

In cases where input and output mtype do not have explicit time index, the tag applies to the implicit time index, i.e., the index of the abstract series representation, for instance, integer index in case of numpy arrays, in which case the implication is that an an array is returned with equal length in the dimension corresponding to the time index.

If the tag is False, the returned series will in general have a different time index than the input series.

If scitype:transform-output is "Primitives", this tag is irrelevant and will have value False.

Besides being informative to the user, this tag is also used internally by the framework to track guarantees on the data index.