Time series detection tasks#
The sktime.detection
module contains algorithms and tools
for time series detection tasks, including:
anomaly or outlier detection
change point detection
time series segmentation and segment detection
The tasks include unsupervised and semi-supervised variants, and can batch or stream/online detection.
Pipeline for time series anomaly, changepoint detection, segmentation. |
Use an anomaly, changepoint detector, segmentation estimator as a transformer. |
Change Point Detection#
Moving window algorithm for multiple changepoint detection, from skchange. |
Pruned exact linear time changepoint detection, from skchange. |
Seeded binary segmentation algorithm for changepoint detection, from skchange. |
Naive Baselines#
Dummy change point detector which detects a change point every x steps. |
Dummy change point detector which detects no change points ever. |
Time Series Point Anomaly Detection#
Point anomaly detectors identify single anomalous indices.
Window-based Anomaly Detection#
Timeseries version of local outlier factor. |
Reduction to Tabular Anomaly Detection#
Transformer that applies outlier detector from pyOD. |
Naive Baselines#
Dummy change point detector which detects a change point every x steps. |
Dummy anomaly detector which detects no anomalies ever. |
Naive detector which detects all points outside a threshold. |
Time Series Segment Anomaly Detection#
Segment anomaly detectors identify anomalous segment.
Anomaly detection based on thresholding values of segment statistics, skchange. |
Circular binary segmentation algorithm for anomalous segment detection, skchange. |
CAPA = Collective and point anomaly detection, from skchange. |
MVCAPA = Multivariate collective and point anomaly detection, from skchange. |
Naive Baselines#
Dummy segments detector which detects no segments. |
Naive detector which detects all points outside a threshold. |
Time Series Segmentation#
ClaSP (Classification Score Profile) Segmentation. |
Hierarchical agglomerative estimation of multiple change points. |
Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian emissions. |
Hidden Markov Model with Gaussian mixture emissions. |
Greedy Gaussian Segmentation Estimator. |
Implements a simple HMM fitted with Viterbi algorithm. |
Information Gain based Temporal Segmentation (IGTS) Estimator. |
Hidden Markov Model with Poisson emissions. |
STRAY: robust anomaly detection in data streams with concept drift. |
Reduction to clustering#
Cluster-based Time Series Segmentation. |
Window-based Time Series Segmentation via Clustering. |
Naive Baselines#
Dummy segments detector which detects no segments. |