
load_and_run_clustering_experiment(problem_path, results_path, dataset, clusterer, resample_id=0, cls_name=None, overwrite=False, format='.ts', train_file=False)[source]#

Run a clustering experiment.

Method to run a basic experiment and write the results to files called testFold<resampleID>.csv and, if required, trainFold<resampleID>.csv. This version loads the data from file based on a path. The clusterer is always trained on the


Location of problem files, full path.


Location of where to write results. Any required directories will be created


Name of problem. Files must be <problem_path>/<dataset>/<dataset>+ “_TRAIN”+format, same for “_TEST”

clustererthe clusterer
cls_namestr, default =None

determines what to call the write directory. If None, it is set to type(clusterer).__name__

resample_idint, default = 0

Seed for resampling. If set to 0, the default train/test split from file is used. Also used in output file name.

overwriteboolean, default = False

if False, this will only build results if there is not a result file already present. If True, it will overwrite anything already there.

format: string, default = “.ts”

Valid formats are “.ts”, “.arff”, “.tsv” and “.long”. For more info on format, see examples/loading_data.ipynb

train_file: boolean, default = False

whether to generate train files or not. If true, it performs a 10xCV on the train and saves