
class RAMResults[source]#

In-memory results.


check_fitted_strategy_exists(strategy, ...)

Check that fitted strategy exists.

check_predictions_exist(strategy, ...)

Check that predictions exist.

load_fitted_strategy(strategy_name, ...)

Load fitted strategy.

load_predictions(cv_fold, train_or_test)

Load predictions for all datasets and strategies iteratively.


Save self.

save_fitted_strategy(strategy, dataset_name, ...)

Save fitted strategy.

save_predictions(strategy_name, ...[, ...])

Save the predictions of trained estimators.

save_predictions(strategy_name, dataset_name, y_true, y_pred, y_proba, index, cv_fold, train_or_test, fit_estimator_start_time=None, fit_estimator_end_time=None, predict_estimator_start_time=None, predict_estimator_end_time=None)[source]#

Save the predictions of trained estimators.


Name of fitted strategy

dataset_name: string

Name of dataset on which the strategy is fitted

y_truenumpy array

array with true labels

y_prednumpy array

array of predicted labels

y_probanumpy array

array of probabilities associated with the predicted values

indexnumpy array

dataset indices of the y_true data points

fit_estimator_start_timepandas timestamp (default=None)

timestamp when fitting the estimator began

fit_estimator_end_timepandas timestamp (default=None)

timestamp when fitting the estimator ended

predict_estimator_begin_timepandas timestamp (default=None)

timestamp when the estimator began making predictions

predict_estimator_end_timepandas timestamp (default=None)

timestamp when the estimator finished making predictions

load_predictions(cv_fold, train_or_test)[source]#

Load predictions for all datasets and strategies iteratively.

check_predictions_exist(strategy, dataset_name, cv_fold, train_or_test)[source]#

Check that predictions exist.

save_fitted_strategy(strategy, dataset_name, cv_fold)[source]#

Save fitted strategy.

load_fitted_strategy(strategy_name, dataset_name, cv_fold)[source]#

Load fitted strategy.

check_fitted_strategy_exists(strategy, dataset_name, cv_fold)[source]#

Check that fitted strategy exists.


Save self.

Method present for interface consistency.