

The scitype of the target data for the transformer, if required.

  • String name: "scitype:transform-labels"

  • Public scitype tag

  • Values: string, one of "None", "Series", "Primitives", "Panel"

  • Example: "Series"

  • Default: "None"

  • Alias: "scitype:y"

This tag applies to transformations.

The tag specifies the scitype of the target data y that is required, in a case where the transformer requires target data, i.e., the tag requires_y is True.

The possible values are:

  • "None": no target data is required. This value is used if and only if the transformer does not require target data, i.e., the tag requires_y is False.

  • "Series": a single time series, in Series scitype. If the tag X-y-must-have-same-index is True, then the index, or implied index, of the target series must be the same as the index of the input series X.

  • "Primitives": a collection of primitive types, e.g., a collection of scalars, in Table scitype. In this case, the number of rows (=instances) in y must always equal the number of instances in X, which typically will be of :mtype:`scitype` Panel in this case.

  • "Panel": a panel of time series, in Panel scitype.

The tag scitype:transform-labels is used in conjunction with the tag requires_y, which specifies whether target data is required by the transformer.

If the tag requires_y is False, then the tag scitype:transform-labels will be "None".