MiniRocket transforms input time series using a small, fixed set of convolutional kernels. MiniRocket uses PPV pooling to compute a single feature for each of the resulting feature maps (i.e., the proportion of positive values). The transformed features are used to train a linear classifier.
Dempster A, Schmidt DF, Webb GI (2020) MiniRocket: A Very Fast (Almost) Deterministic Transform for Time Series Classification arXiv:2012.08791
1 Univariate Time Series#
1.1 Imports#
Import example data, MiniRocket, RidgeClassifierCV
(scikit-learn), and NumPy.
Note: MiniRocket and MiniRocketMultivariate are compiled by Numba on import. The compiled functions are cached, so this should only happen once (i.e., the first time you import MiniRocket or MiniRocketMultivariate).
[ ]:
# !pip install --upgrade numba
[ ]:
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeClassifierCV
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sktime.datasets import (
load_arrow_head, # univariate dataset
load_basic_motions, # multivariate dataset
load_japanese_vowels, # multivariate dataset with unequal length
from sktime.transformations.panel.rocket import (
1.2 Load the Training Data#
For more details on the data set, see the univariate time series classification notebook.
Note: Input time series must be at least of length 9. Pad shorter time series using, e.g., PaddingTransformer
[ ]:
X_train, y_train = load_arrow_head(split="train", return_X_y=True)
# visualize the first univariate time series
X_train.iloc[0, 0].plot()
1.3 Initialise MiniRocket and Transform the Training Data#
[ ]:
minirocket = MiniRocket() # by default, MiniRocket uses ~10_000 kernels
X_train_transform = minirocket.transform(X_train)
# test shape of transformed training data -> (n_instances, 9_996)
1.4 Fit a Classifier#
We suggest using RidgeClassifierCV
(scikit-learn) for smaller datasets (fewer than ~10,000 training examples), and using logistic regression trained using stochastic gradient descent for larger datasets.
Note: For larger datasets, this means integrating MiniRocket with stochastic gradient descent such that the transform is performed per minibatch, not simply substituting RidgeClassifierCV
for, e.g., LogisticRegression
Note: While the input time-series of MiniRocket is unscaled, the output features of MiniRocket may need to be adjusted for following models. E.g. for RidgeClassifierCV
, we scale the features using the sklearn StandardScaler.
[ ]:
scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False)
classifier = RidgeClassifierCV(alphas=np.logspace(-3, 3, 10))
X_train_scaled_transform = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_transform), y_train)
1.5 Load and Transform the Test Data#
[ ]:
X_test, y_test = load_arrow_head(split="test", return_X_y=True)
X_test_transform = minirocket.transform(X_test)
1.6 Classify the Test Data#
[ ]:
X_test_scaled_transform = scaler.transform(X_test_transform)
classifier.score(X_test_scaled_transform, y_test)
2 Multivariate Time Series#
We can use the multivariate version of MiniRocket for multivariate time series input.
2.1 Imports#
Import MiniRocketMultivariate.
Note: MiniRocketMultivariate compiles via Numba on import.
[ ]:
2.2 Load the Training Data#
Note: Input time series must be at least of length 9. Pad shorter time series using, e.g., PaddingTransformer
[ ]:
X_train, y_train = load_basic_motions(split="train", return_X_y=True)
2.3 Initialise MiniRocket and Transform the Training Data#
[ ]:
minirocket_multi = MiniRocketMultivariate()
X_train_transform = minirocket_multi.transform(X_train)
2.4 Fit a Classifier#
[ ]:
scaler = StandardScaler(with_mean=False)
X_train_scaled_transform = scaler.fit_transform(X_train_transform)
classifier = RidgeClassifierCV(alphas=np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)), y_train)
2.5 Load and Transform the Test Data#
[ ]:
X_test, y_test = load_basic_motions(split="test", return_X_y=True)
X_test_transform = minirocket_multi.transform(X_test)
2.6 Classify the Test Data#
[ ]:
X_test_scaled_transform = scaler.transform(X_test_transform)
classifier.score(X_test_scaled_transform, y_test)
3 Pipeline Example#
We can use MiniRocket together with RidgeClassifierCV
(or another classifier) in a pipeline. We can then use the pipeline like a self-contained classifier, with a single call to fit
, and without having to separately transform the data, etc.
3.1 Imports#
[ ]:
# (above)
3.2 Initialise the Pipeline#
[ ]:
minirocket_pipeline = make_pipeline(
RidgeClassifierCV(alphas=np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)),
3.3 Load and Fit the Training Data#
Note: Input time series must be at least of length 9. Pad shorter time series using, e.g., PaddingTransformer
[ ]:
X_train, y_train = load_arrow_head(split="train")
# it is necessary to pass y_train to the pipeline
# y_train is not used for the transform, but it is used by the classifier, y_train)
3.4 Load and Classify the Test Data#
[ ]:
X_test, y_test = load_arrow_head(split="test")
minirocket_pipeline.score(X_test, y_test)
4 Pipeline Example with MiniRocketMultivariateVariable and unequal length time-series data#
For a further pipeline, we use the extended version of MiniRocket, the MiniRocketMultivariateVariable
for variable / unequal length time series data. Following the code implementation of the original paper of miniRocket, we combine it with RidgeClassifierCV
in a sklearn pipeline. We can then use the pipeline like a self-contained classifier, with a single call to fit
, and without having to separately transform the data, etc.
4.1 Load japanese_vowels as unequal length dataset#
Japanese vowels is a a UCI Archive dataset. 9 Japanese-male speakers were recorded saying the vowels ‘a’ and ‘e’. The raw recordings are preprocessed to get a 12-dimensional (multivariate) classification problem. The series lengths are between 7 and 29.
[ ]:
X_train_jv, y_train_jv = load_japanese_vowels(split="train", return_X_y=True)
# lets visualize the first three voice recordings with dimension 0-11
print("number of samples training: ", X_train_jv.shape[0])
print("series length of recoding 0, dimension 5: ", X_train_jv.iloc[0, 5].shape)
print("series length of recoding 1, dimension 5: ", X_train_jv.iloc[1, 0].shape)
[ ]:
# additional visualizations
number_example = 153
for i in range(12):
X_train_jv.loc[number_example, f"dim_{i}"].plot()
print("Speaker ID: ", y_train_jv[number_example])
4.2 Create a pipeline, train on it#
As before, we create a sklearn pipeline. MiniRocketMultivariateVariable requires a minimum series length of 9, where missing values are padded up to a length of 9, with the value “-10.0”. Afterwards a scaler and a RidgeClassifierCV are added.
[ ]:
minirocket_mv_var_pipeline = make_pipeline(
pad_value_short_series=-10.0, random_state=42, max_dilations_per_kernel=16
RidgeClassifierCV(alphas=np.logspace(-3, 3, 10)),
print(minirocket_mv_var_pipeline), y_train_jv)
4.3 Score the Pipeline on japanese vowels#
Using the MiniRocketMultivariateVariable, we are able to process also process slightly larger input series than at train time. train max series length: 27, test max series length 29
[ ]:
X_test_jv, y_test_jv = load_japanese_vowels(split="test", return_X_y=True)
minirocket_mv_var_pipeline.score(X_test_jv, y_test_jv)
Generated using nbsphinx. The Jupyter notebook can be found here.