Continuous integration#

We use continuous integration services on GitHub to automatically check if new pull requests do not break anything and meet code quality standards such as a common coding style.

Code quality checks#

We use pre-commit for code quality checks. These checks run automatically before you make a new commit.

See the guide on coding style on how to set up local code quality checks, to ensure the code reaches GitHub CI while satisfying code formatting requirements.

Unit testing#

We use pytest for unit testing. To check if your code passes all tests locally, you need to install the development version of sktime and all extra dependencies.

  1. Install the development version of sktime with developer dependencies:

    pip install -e .[dev]

    This installs an editable development version of sktime which will include the changes you make.


For trouble shooting on different operating systems, please see our detailed installation instructions.

  1. To run all unit tests, run:

    make test

or if you don’t have make installed:

pytest ./sktime

Test coverage#

We use coverage, the pytest-cov plugin, and codecov for test coverage.


This section gives an overview of the infrastructure and continuous integration services we use.

Additional scripts used for building, unit testing and distribution can be found in build_tools/.