
class TimeSeriesSVC(kernel, kernel_params=None, kernel_mtype=None, C=1, shrinking=True, probability=False, tol=0.001, cache_size=200, class_weight=None, verbose=False, max_iter=- 1, decision_function_shape='ovr', break_ties=False, random_state=None)[source]#

Support Vector Classifier, for time series kernels.

An adapted version of the scikit-learn SVC for time series data.

Any sktime pairwise transformers are supported as kernels, including time series kernels and standard kernels on “flattened” time series.

Caveat: typically, SVC literature assumes kernels to be positive semi-definite. However, any pairwise transformer can be passed as kernel, including distances. This will still produce classification results, which may or may not be performant.

kernelpairwise panel transformer or callable

pairwise panel transformer inheriting from BasePairwiseTransformerPanel, or callable, must be of signature (X: Panel, X2: Panel) -> np.ndarray

output must be mxn array if X is Panel of m Series, X2 of n Series if distance_mtype is not set, must be able to take

X, X2 which are pd_multiindex and numpy3D mtype

kernel_paramsdict, optional. default = None.

dictionary for distance parameters, in case that distance is a callable

kernel_mtypestr, or list of str optional. default = None.
mtype that distance expects for X and X2, if a callable

only set this if distance is not BasePairwiseTransformerPanel descendant

Cfloat, default=1.0

Regularization parameter. The strength of the regularization is inversely proportional to C. Must be strictly positive. The penalty is a squared l2 penalty.

shrinkingbool, default=True

Whether to use the shrinking heuristic.

probabilitybool, default=False

Whether to enable probability estimates. This must be enabled prior to calling fit, will slow down that method as it internally uses 5-fold cross-validation, and predict_proba may be inconsistent with predict. Read more in the User Guide.

tolfloat, default=1e-3

Tolerance for stopping criterion.

cache_sizefloat, default=200

Specify the size of the kernel cache (in MB).

class_weightdict or ‘balanced’, default=None

Set the parameter C of class i to class_weight[i]*C for SVC. If not given, all classes are supposed to have weight one. The “balanced” mode uses the values of y to automatically adjust weights inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input data as n_samples / (n_classes * np.bincount(y)).

verbosebool, default=False

Enable verbose output. Note that this setting takes advantage of a per-process runtime setting in libsvm that, if enabled, may not work properly in a multithreaded context.

max_iterint, default=-1

Hard limit on iterations within solver, or -1 for no limit.

decision_function_shape{‘ovo’, ‘ovr’}, default=’ovr’

Whether to return a one-vs-rest (‘ovr’) decision function of shape (n_samples, n_classes) as all other classifiers, or the original one-vs-one (‘ovo’) decision function of libsvm which has shape (n_samples, n_classes * (n_classes - 1) / 2). However, one-vs-one (‘ovo’) is always used as multi-class strategy. The parameter is ignored for binary classification.

break_tiesbool, default=False

If true, decision_function_shape='ovr', and number of classes > 2, predict will break ties according to the confidence values of decision_function; otherwise the first class among the tied classes is returned. Please note that breaking ties comes at a relatively high computational cost compared to a simple predict.

random_stateint, RandomState instance or None, default=None

Controls the pseudo random number generation for shuffling the data for probability estimates. Ignored when probability is False. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls. See Glossary.


Whether fit has been called.


>>> from sktime.classification.kernel_based import TimeSeriesSVC
>>> from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import RBF
>>> from sktime.dists_kernels import AggrDist
>>> from sktime.datasets import load_unit_test
>>> X_train, y_train = load_unit_test(return_X_y=True, split="train")
>>> X_test, y_test = load_unit_test(return_X_y=True, split="test")
>>> mean_gaussian_tskernel = AggrDist(RBF())
>>> classifier = TimeSeriesSVC(kernel=mean_gaussian_tskernel)
>>> classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
>>> y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)



Check if the estimator has been fitted.


Obtain a clone of the object with same hyper-parameters.

clone_tags(estimator[, tag_names])

clone/mirror tags from another estimator as dynamic override.


Construct Estimator instance if possible.


Create list of all test instances and a list of names for them.

fit(X, y)

Fit time series classifier to training data.

fit_predict(X, y[, cv, change_state])

Fit and predict labels for sequences in X.

fit_predict_proba(X, y[, cv, change_state])

Fit and predict labels probabilities for sequences in X.

get_class_tag(tag_name[, tag_value_default])

Get tag value from estimator class (only class tags).


Get class tags from estimator class and all its parent classes.


Get fitted parameters.


Get parameter defaults for the object.


Get parameter names for the object.


Get parameters for this estimator.

get_tag(tag_name[, tag_value_default, …])

Get tag value from estimator class and dynamic tag overrides.


Get tags from estimator class and dynamic tag overrides.


Return testing parameter settings for the estimator.


Check if the object is composite.


Load object from file location.


Load object from serialized memory container.


Predicts labels for sequences in X.


Predicts labels probabilities for sequences in X.


Reset the object to a clean post-init state.


Save serialized self to bytes-like object or to (.zip) file.

score(X, y)

Scores predicted labels against ground truth labels on X.


Set the parameters of this object.


Set dynamic tags to given values.

classmethod get_test_params(parameter_set='default')[source]#

Return testing parameter settings for the estimator.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set. For classifiers, a “default” set of parameters should be provided for general testing, and a “results_comparison” set for comparing against previously recorded results if the general set does not produce suitable probabilities to compare against.

paramsdict or list of dict, default={}

Parameters to create testing instances of the class. Each dict are parameters to construct an “interesting” test instance, i.e., MyClass(**params) or MyClass(**params[i]) creates a valid test instance. create_test_instance uses the first (or only) dictionary in params.


Check if the estimator has been fitted.


If the estimator has not been fitted yet.


Obtain a clone of the object with same hyper-parameters.

A clone is a different object without shared references, in post-init state. This function is equivalent to returning sklearn.clone of self. Equal in value to type(self)(**self.get_params(deep=False)).

instance of type(self), clone of self (see above)
clone_tags(estimator, tag_names=None)[source]#

clone/mirror tags from another estimator as dynamic override.

estimatorestimator inheriting from :class:BaseEstimator
tag_namesstr or list of str, default = None

Names of tags to clone. If None then all tags in estimator are used as tag_names.


Reference to self.


Changes object state by setting tag values in tag_set from estimator as dynamic tags in self.

classmethod create_test_instance(parameter_set='default')[source]#

Construct Estimator instance if possible.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

instanceinstance of the class with default parameters


get_test_params can return dict or list of dict. This function takes first or single dict that get_test_params returns, and constructs the object with that.

classmethod create_test_instances_and_names(parameter_set='default')[source]#

Create list of all test instances and a list of names for them.

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

objslist of instances of cls

i-th instance is cls(**cls.get_test_params()[i])

nameslist of str, same length as objs

i-th element is name of i-th instance of obj in tests convention is {cls.__name__}-{i} if more than one instance otherwise {cls.__name__}

parameter_setstr, default=”default”

Name of the set of test parameters to return, for use in tests. If no special parameters are defined for a value, will return “default” set.

fit(X, y)[source]#

Fit time series classifier to training data.

X3D np.array (any number of dimensions, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, n_dimensions, series_length]

or 2D np.array (univariate, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, series_length]

or pd.DataFrame with each column a dimension, each cell a pd.Series

(any number of dimensions, equal or unequal length series)

or of any other supported Panel mtype

for list of mtypes, see datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER for specifications, see examples/AA_datatypes_and_datasets.ipynb

y1D np.array of int, of shape [n_instances] - class labels for fitting

indices correspond to instance indices in X

selfReference to self.


Changes state by creating a fitted model that updates attributes ending in “_” and sets is_fitted flag to True.

fit_predict(X, y, cv=None, change_state=True) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Fit and predict labels for sequences in X.

Convenience method to produce in-sample predictions and cross-validated out-of-sample predictions.

Writes to self, if change_state=True:

Sets self.is_fitted to True. Sets fitted model attributes ending in “_”.

Does not update state if change_state=False.

X3D np.array (any number of dimensions, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, n_dimensions, series_length]

or 2D np.array (univariate, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, series_length]

or pd.DataFrame with each column a dimension, each cell a pd.Series

(any number of dimensions, equal or unequal length series)

or of any other supported Panel mtype

for list of mtypes, see datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER for specifications, see examples/AA_datatypes_and_datasets.ipynb

y1D np.array of int, of shape [n_instances] - class labels for fitting

indices correspond to instance indices in X

cvNone, int, or sklearn cross-validation object, optional, default=None

None : predictions are in-sample, equivalent to fit(X, y).predict(X) cv : predictions are equivalent to fit(X_train, y_train).predict(X_test)

where multiple X_train, y_train, X_test are obtained from cv folds returned y is union over all test fold predictions cv test folds must be non-intersecting

intequivalent to cv=KFold(cv, shuffle=True, random_state=x),

i.e., k-fold cross-validation predictions out-of-sample random_state x is taken from self if exists, otherwise x=None

change_statebool, optional (default=True)
if False, will not change the state of the classifier,

i.e., fit/predict sequence is run with a copy, self does not change

if True, will fit self to the full X and y,

end state will be equivalent to running fit(X, y)

y1D np.array of int, of shape [n_instances] - predicted class labels

indices correspond to instance indices in X if cv is passed, -1 indicates entries not seen in union of test sets

fit_predict_proba(X, y, cv=None, change_state=True) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Fit and predict labels probabilities for sequences in X.

Convenience method to produce in-sample predictions and cross-validated out-of-sample predictions.

X3D np.array (any number of dimensions, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, n_dimensions, series_length]

or 2D np.array (univariate, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, series_length]

or pd.DataFrame with each column a dimension, each cell a pd.Series

(any number of dimensions, equal or unequal length series)

or of any other supported Panel mtype

for list of mtypes, see datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER for specifications, see examples/AA_datatypes_and_datasets.ipynb

y1D np.array of int, of shape [n_instances] - class labels for fitting

indices correspond to instance indices in X

cvNone, int, or sklearn cross-validation object, optional, default=None

None : predictions are in-sample, equivalent to fit(X, y).predict(X) cv : predictions are equivalent to fit(X_train, y_train).predict(X_test)

where multiple X_train, y_train, X_test are obtained from cv folds returned y is union over all test fold predictions cv test folds must be non-intersecting

int : equivalent to cv=Kfold(int), i.e., k-fold cross-validation predictions

change_statebool, optional (default=True)
if False, will not change the state of the classifier,

i.e., fit/predict sequence is run with a copy, self does not change

if True, will fit self to the full X and y,

end state will be equivalent to running fit(X, y)

y2D array of shape [n_instances, n_classes] - predicted class probabilities

1st dimension indices correspond to instance indices in X 2nd dimension indices correspond to possible labels (integers) (i, j)-th entry is predictive probability that i-th instance is of class j

classmethod get_class_tag(tag_name, tag_value_default=None)[source]#

Get tag value from estimator class (only class tags).


Name of tag value.

tag_value_defaultany type

Default/fallback value if tag is not found.


Value of the tag_name tag in self. If not found, returns tag_value_default.

classmethod get_class_tags()[source]#

Get class tags from estimator class and all its parent classes.


Dictionary of tag name : tag value pairs. Collected from _tags class attribute via nested inheritance. NOT overridden by dynamic tags set by set_tags or mirror_tags.


Get fitted parameters.

State required:

Requires state to be “fitted”.

fitted_paramsdict of fitted parameters, keys are str names of parameters

parameters of components are indexed as [componentname]__[paramname]

classmethod get_param_defaults()[source]#

Get parameter defaults for the object.

default_dict: dict with str keys

keys are all parameters of cls that have a default defined in __init__ values are the defaults, as defined in __init__

classmethod get_param_names()[source]#

Get parameter names for the object.

param_names: list of str, alphabetically sorted list of parameter names of cls

Get parameters for this estimator.

deepbool, default=True

If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.


Parameter names mapped to their values.

get_tag(tag_name, tag_value_default=None, raise_error=True)[source]#

Get tag value from estimator class and dynamic tag overrides.


Name of tag to be retrieved

tag_value_defaultany type, optional; default=None

Default/fallback value if tag is not found


whether a ValueError is raised when the tag is not found


Value of the tag_name tag in self. If not found, returns an error if raise_error is True, otherwise it returns tag_value_default.

ValueError if raise_error is True i.e. if tag_name is not in self.get_tags(

Get tags from estimator class and dynamic tag overrides.


Dictionary of tag name : tag value pairs. Collected from _tags class attribute via nested inheritance and then any overrides and new tags from _tags_dynamic object attribute.


Check if the object is composite.

A composite object is an object which contains objects, as parameters. Called on an instance, since this may differ by instance.

composite: bool, whether self contains a parameter which is BaseObject
property is_fitted[source]#

Whether fit has been called.

classmethod load_from_path(serial)[source]#

Load object from file location.

serialresult of ZipFile(path).open(“object)
deserialized self resulting in output at path, of cls.save(path)
classmethod load_from_serial(serial)[source]#

Load object from serialized memory container.

serial1st element of output of cls.save(None)
deserialized self resulting in output serial, of cls.save(None)
predict(X) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Predicts labels for sequences in X.

X3D np.array (any number of dimensions, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, n_dimensions, series_length]

or 2D np.array (univariate, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, series_length]

or pd.DataFrame with each column a dimension, each cell a pd.Series

(any number of dimensions, equal or unequal length series)

or of any other supported Panel mtype

for list of mtypes, see datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER for specifications, see examples/AA_datatypes_and_datasets.ipynb

y1D np.array of int, of shape [n_instances] - predicted class labels

indices correspond to instance indices in X

predict_proba(X) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Predicts labels probabilities for sequences in X.

X3D np.array (any number of dimensions, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, n_dimensions, series_length]

or 2D np.array (univariate, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, series_length]

or pd.DataFrame with each column a dimension, each cell a pd.Series

(any number of dimensions, equal or unequal length series)

or of any other supported Panel mtype

for list of mtypes, see datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER for specifications, see examples/AA_datatypes_and_datasets.ipynb

y2D array of shape [n_instances, n_classes] - predicted class probabilities

1st dimension indices correspond to instance indices in X 2nd dimension indices correspond to possible labels (integers) (i, j)-th entry is predictive probability that i-th instance is of class j


Reset the object to a clean post-init state.

Equivalent to sklearn.clone but overwrites self. After self.reset() call, self is equal in value to type(self)(**self.get_params(deep=False))

Detail behaviour: removes any object attributes, except:

hyper-parameters = arguments of __init__ object attributes containing double-underscores, i.e., the string “__”

runs __init__ with current values of hyper-parameters (result of get_params)

Not affected by the reset are: object attributes containing double-underscores class and object methods, class attributes


Save serialized self to bytes-like object or to (.zip) file.

Behaviour: if path is None, returns an in-memory serialized self if path is a file location, stores self at that location as a zip file

saved files are zip files with following contents: _metadata - contains class of self, i.e., type(self) _obj - serialized self. This class uses the default serialization (pickle).

pathNone or file location (str or Path)

if None, self is saved to an in-memory object if file location, self is saved to that file location. If:

path=”estimator” then a zip file estimator.zip will be made at cwd. path=”/home/stored/estimator” then a zip file estimator.zip will be stored in /home/stored/.

if path is None - in-memory serialized self
if path is file location - ZipFile with reference to the file
score(X, y) float[source]#

Scores predicted labels against ground truth labels on X.

X3D np.array (any number of dimensions, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, n_dimensions, series_length]

or 2D np.array (univariate, equal length series)

of shape [n_instances, series_length]

or pd.DataFrame with each column a dimension, each cell a pd.Series

(any number of dimensions, equal or unequal length series)

or of any other supported Panel mtype

for list of mtypes, see datatypes.SCITYPE_REGISTER for specifications, see examples/AA_datatypes_and_datasets.ipynb

y1D np.ndarray of int, of shape [n_instances] - class labels (ground truth)

indices correspond to instance indices in X

float, accuracy score of predict(X) vs y

Set the parameters of this object.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects. The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it’s possible to update each component of a nested object.


BaseObject parameters

selfreference to self (after parameters have been set)

Set dynamic tags to given values.


Dictionary of tag name : tag value pairs.


Reference to self.


Changes object state by settting tag values in tag_dict as dynamic tags in self.