How to contribute#

Welcome to sktime’s contributing guide!

We value all kinds of contributions - not just code. For a detailed overview of current and future work, check out our Roadmap.

We are particularly motivated to support new contributors and people who are looking to learn and develop their skills.

Recommended steps for first time contributors, or to get started with regular contributions:

  1. Say hello (in the contributors channel on Slack)!

  2. Get set up for development, see instructions in the developer guide.

  3. Pick a good first issue to work on, see a collection in this summary issue , or from this list suggestion: pick something small with simple content to learn the “process”

  4. Feel free to attend the regular community collab sessions or one of the topic specific stand-ups and tech sessions (see schedule on Slack)

  5. Once your first PR is merged and you’ve seen how things work, you could consider contributing more regularly: optionally, continue attending the Friday community collaboration sessions and stand-ups; or, optionally, apply for mentoring


If you get stuck, chat with us on Slack, or join one of the community sessions on Discord.

Developer Guide

sktime developer guide.


sktime developer installation guide.

Enhancement Proposals

sktime enhancement proposals.

Reporting Bugs

sktime reporting bugs.

Reviewer Guide

sktime reviewer guide.

Acknowledging contributions#

We follow the all-contributors specification and recognize various types of contributions. Take a look at our past and current contributors!

If you are a new contributor, make sure we add you to our list of contributors. All contributions are recorded in .all-contributorsrc.


If we have missed anything, please raise an issue or chat with us on Slack.