
The sktime.split module contains algorithms for splitting and resampling data.

All splitters in sktime can be listed using the sktime.registry.all_estimators utility, using estimator_types="splitter", optionally filtered by tags. Valid tags can be listed using sktime.registry.all_tags.

Splitting utilities#

temporal_train_test_split is a quick utility function for splitting a single time series into training and test fold.

Forecasting users interested in performance evaluation are advised to use full backtesting instead of a single split, e.g., via evaluate, see forecasting API reference.

temporal_train_test_split(y[, X, test_size, ...])

Split time series data containers into a single train/test split.

Time index splitters#

Time index splitters split one or multiple time series by temporal order. They are typically used in both evaluation and tuning of forecasters.

CutoffSplitter(cutoffs[, fh, window_length])

Cutoff window splitter.

SingleWindowSplitter(fh[, window_length])

Single window splitter.

SlidingWindowSplitter([fh, window_length, ...])

Sliding window splitter.

ExpandingWindowSplitter([fh, ...])

Expanding window splitter.

ExpandingGreedySplitter(test_size[, folds, ...])

Splitter that successively cuts test folds off the end of the series.

TemporalTrainTestSplitter([train_size, ...])

Temporal train-test splitter, based on sample sizes of train or test set.

Time index splitter composition#

The following splitters are compositions that can be used to create more complex time index based splitting strategies.

Repeat(splitter[, times, mode, random_repeat])

Add repetitions to a splitter, element-wise or sequence-wise.

SameLocSplitter(cv[, y_template])

Splitter that replicates loc indices from another splitter.


Splitter that adds the train sets to the test sets.