Transformers in sktime
Overview of this notebook#
why transformers? transformers in
transformers = modular data processing steps
simple pipeline example & transformer explained
overview of transformer features
types of transformers - input types, output types
broadcasting/vectorization to panel, hierarchical, multivariate
searching for transformers using
import warnings
Table of Contents#
3. Transformers in sktime
3.1 Wherefore transformers?
3.2 Transformers - interface and features
3.2.1 What are transformers?
3.2.2 Different types of transformers
3.2.3 Broadcasting aka vectorization of transformers
3.2.4 Transformers as pipeline components
3.3 Combining transformers, feature engineering
3.4 Technical details - transformer types and signatures
3.5 Extension guide
3.6 Summary
3.1 Wherefore transformers?#
or: why sktime transformers will improve your life!
(disclaimer: not the same product as deep learning transformers)
suppose we want to forecast this well-known dataset (airline passengers by year in a fixed scope)
from sktime.datasets import load_airline
from sktime.utils.plotting import plot_series
y = load_airline()
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)
there is seasonal periodicity, 12 month period
seasonal periodicity looks multiplicative (not additive) to trend
idea: forecast might be easier
with seasonality removed
on logarithmic value scale (multiplication becomes addition)
Naive approach - don’t do this at home!#
Maybe doing this manually step by step is a good idea?
import numpy as np
# compute the logarithm
logy = np.log(y)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)
this looks additive now!
ok, what next - deaseasonalization
from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose
# apply this to y
# wait no, to logy
seasonal_result = seasonal_decompose(logy, period=12)
trend = seasonal_result.trend
resid = seasonal_result.resid
seasonal = seasonal_result.seasonal
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: ylabel='trend'>)
plot_series(seasonal, resid, labels=["seasonal component", "residual component"])
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: ylabel='seasonal'>)
ok, now the forecast!
… of what ??
ah yes, residual plus trend, because seasonal just repeats itself
# forecast this:
plot_series(trend + resid)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: >)
# this has nans??
1949-01 NaN
1949-02 NaN
1949-03 NaN
1949-04 NaN
1949-05 NaN
1960-08 NaN
1960-09 NaN
1960-10 NaN
1960-11 NaN
1960-12 NaN
Freq: M, Name: trend, Length: 144, dtype: float64
# ok, forecast this instead then:
y_to_forecast = logy - seasonal
# phew, no nans!
1949-01 4.804314
1949-02 4.885097
1949-03 4.864689
1949-04 4.872858
1949-05 4.804757
1960-08 6.202368
1960-09 6.165645
1960-10 6.208669
1960-11 6.181992
1960-12 6.168741
Freq: M, Length: 144, dtype: float64
from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
f = PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2), fh=list(range(1, 13)))
y_fcst = f.predict()
plot_series(y_to_forecast, y_fcst)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>, <AxesSubplot: >)
looks reasonable!
Now to turn this into a forecast of the original y …
add seasonal
invert the logarithm
1961-01 6.195931
1961-02 6.202857
1961-03 6.209740
1961-04 6.216580
1961-05 6.223378
1961-06 6.230132
1961-07 6.236843
1961-08 6.243512
1961-09 6.250137
1961-10 6.256719
1961-11 6.263259
1961-12 6.269755
Freq: M, dtype: float64
y_fcst_orig = y_fcst + seasonal[0:12]
y_fcst_orig_orig = np.exp(y_fcst_orig)
1949-01 NaN
1949-02 NaN
1949-03 NaN
1949-04 NaN
1949-05 NaN
1949-06 NaN
1949-07 NaN
1949-08 NaN
1949-09 NaN
1949-10 NaN
1949-11 NaN
1949-12 NaN
1961-01 NaN
1961-02 NaN
1961-03 NaN
1961-04 NaN
1961-05 NaN
1961-06 NaN
1961-07 NaN
1961-08 NaN
1961-09 NaN
1961-10 NaN
1961-11 NaN
1961-12 NaN
Freq: M, dtype: float64
ok, that did not work. Something something pandas indices??
y_fcst_orig = y_fcst + seasonal[0:12].values
y_fcst_orig_orig = np.exp(y_fcst_orig)
plot_series(y, y_fcst_orig_orig)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)
ok, done! and it only took us 10 years.
Maybe there is a better way?
Slightly less naive approach - use sktime
transformers (badly)#
Ok, surely there is a way where I don’t have to fiddle with wildly varying interfaces of every step.
Solution: use transformers!
Same interface at every step!
from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.detrend import Deseasonalizer
y = load_airline()
t_log = LogTransformer()
ylog = t_log.fit_transform(y)
t_deseason = Deseasonalizer(sp=12)
y_deseason = t_deseason.fit_transform(ylog)
f = PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2), fh=list(range(1, 13)))
y_fcst = f.predict()
hm, but now we need to invert the transformations…
fortunately transformers have an inverse transform, standard interface point
y_fcst_orig = t_deseason.inverse_transform(y_fcst)
# the deseasonalizer remembered the seasonality component! nice!
y_fcst_orig_orig = t_log.inverse_transform(y_fcst_orig)
plot_series(y, y_fcst_orig_orig)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)
Expert approach - use sktime
transformers with pipelines!#
Bragging rights included.
from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.detrend import Deseasonalizer
y = load_airline()
f = LogTransformer() * Deseasonalizer(sp=12) * PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2), fh=list(range(1, 13)))
y_fcst = f.predict()
plot_series(y, y_fcst)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)
what happened here?
The “chain” operator *
creates a “forecasting pipeline”
Has the same interface as all other forecasters! No additional data fiddling!
Transformers “slot in” as standardized components.
TransformedTargetForecaster(steps=[LogTransformer(), Deseasonalizer(sp=12), PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2)])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
TransformedTargetForecaster(steps=[LogTransformer(), Deseasonalizer(sp=12), PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2)])
Let’s look at this in more detail:
transformers interfacesktime
pipeline building
3.2 Transformers - interface and features#
transformer interface
transformer types
searching transformers by type
broadcasting/vectorization to panel & hierarchical data
transformers and pipelines
3.2.1 What are transformers?#
Transformer = modular data processing steps commonly used in machine learning
(“transformer” used in the sense of scikit-learn
Transformers are estimators that:
are fitted to a batch of data via
, changing its stateare applied to another batch of data via
, producing transformed datamay have an
In sktime
, input X
to fit
and transform
is typically a time series or a panel (collection of time series).
Basic use of an sktime
time series transformer is as follows:
# 1. prepare the data
from sktime.utils._testing.series import _make_series
X = _make_series()
X_train = X[:7]
X_test = X[7:12]
# X_train and X_test are both pandas.Series
X_train, X_test
(2000-01-01 4.708975
2000-01-02 1.803052
2000-01-03 2.403074
2000-01-04 3.076577
2000-01-05 2.902616
2000-01-06 3.831219
2000-01-07 2.121627
Freq: D, dtype: float64,
2000-01-08 4.858755
2000-01-09 3.460329
2000-01-10 2.280978
2000-01-11 1.930733
2000-01-12 4.604839
Freq: D, dtype: float64)
# 2. construct the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer
# trafo is an sktime estimator inheriting from BaseTransformer
# Box-Cox transform with lambda parameter fitted via mle
trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")
# 3. fit the transformer to training data
# 4. apply the transformer to transform test data
# Box-Cox transform with lambda fitted on X_train
X_transformed = trafo.transform(X_test)
2000-01-08 1.242107
2000-01-09 1.025417
2000-01-10 0.725243
2000-01-11 0.593567
2000-01-12 1.209380
Freq: D, dtype: float64
If the training and test set is the same, step 3 and 4 can be carried out more concisely (and sometimes more efficiently) by using fit_transform
# 3+4. apply the transformer to fit and transform on the same data, X
X_transformed = trafo.fit_transform(X)
3.2.2 Different types of transformers#
distinguishes different types of transformer, depending on the input type of fit
and transform
, and the output type of transform
Transformers differ by:
making use of an additional
argument infit
whether the input to
is a single time series, a collection of time series, or scalar values (data frame row)whether the output of
is a single time series, a collection of time series, or scalar values (data frame row)whether the input to
are one object or two. Two objects as input and a scalar output means the transformer is a distance or kernel function.
More detail on this is given in the glossary (section 2.3).
To illustrate the difference, we compare two transformers with different output:
the Box-Cox transformer
, which transforms a time series to a time seriesthe summary transformer
, which transforms a time series to scalars such as the mean
# constructing the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer
from sktime.utils._testing.series import _make_series
# getting some data
# this is one pandas.Series
X = _make_series(n_timepoints=10)
# constructing the transformers
boxcox_trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")
summary_trafo = SummaryTransformer()
# this produces a pandas Series
2000-01-01 3.217236
2000-01-02 6.125564
2000-01-03 5.264381
2000-01-04 3.811121
2000-01-05 1.966839
2000-01-06 2.621609
2000-01-07 3.851400
2000-01-08 3.199416
2000-01-09 0.000000
2000-01-10 6.629380
Freq: D, dtype: float64
# this produces a pandas.DataFrame row
mean | std | min | max | 0.1 | 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.9 | |
0 | 3.368131 | 1.128705 | 1.0 | 4.881081 | 2.339681 | 2.963718 | 3.376426 | 4.0816 | 4.67824 |
For time series transformers, the metadata tags describe the expected output of transform
To find transformers, use all_estimators
and filter by tags:
- the output scitype.Series
for time series,Primitives
for primitive features (float, categories),Panel
for collections of time series."scitype:transform-input"
- the input scitype.Series
for time series."scitype:instancewise"
- IfTrue
, vectorized operation per series. IfFalse
, uses multiple time series non-trivially.
Example: find all transformers that output time series
from sktime.registry import all_estimators
# now subset to transformers that extract scalar features
filter_tags={"scitype:transform-output": "Series"},
Importing plotly failed. Interactive plots will not work.
name | estimator | |
0 | Aggregator | <class ' |
1 | AutoCorrelationTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.acf.Auto... |
2 | BoxCoxTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.boxcox.B... |
3 | ClaSPTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.clasp.Cl... |
4 | ClearSky | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.clear_sk... |
... | ... | ... |
69 | TransformerPipeline | <class 'sktime.transformations.compose.Transfo... |
70 | TruncationTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.truncatio... |
71 | WhiteNoiseAugmenter | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.augmente... |
72 | WindowSummarizer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.summariz... |
73 | YtoX | <class 'sktime.transformations.compose.YtoX'> |
74 rows × 2 columns
A more complete overview on transformer types and tags is given in the sktime
transformers tutorial.
3.2.3 Broadcasting aka vectorization of transformers#
transformers may be natively univariate, or apply only to a single time series.
Even if this is the case, they broadcast across variables and instances of time series, where applicable (also known as vectorization in numpy
This ensures that all sktime
transformers can be applied to multivariate and multi-instance (panel, hierarchical) time series data.
Example 1: broadcasting/vectorization of time series to time series transformer
The BoxCoxTransformer
from previous sections applies to single instances of univariate time series. When multiple instances or variables are seen, it broadcasts across both:
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer
from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _make_hierarchical
# hierarchical data with 2 variables and 2 levels
X = _make_hierarchical(n_columns=2)
c0 | c1 | |||
h0 | h1 | time | ||
h0_0 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 3.068024 | 3.177475 |
2000-01-02 | 2.917533 | 3.615065 | ||
2000-01-03 | 3.654595 | 3.327944 | ||
2000-01-04 | 2.848652 | 4.694433 | ||
2000-01-05 | 3.458690 | 3.349914 | ||
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
h0_1 | h1_3 | 2000-01-08 | 4.056444 | 3.726508 |
2000-01-09 | 2.462253 | 3.938115 | ||
2000-01-10 | 2.689640 | 1.000000 | ||
2000-01-11 | 1.233706 | 3.999155 | ||
2000-01-12 | 3.101318 | 3.632666 |
96 rows × 2 columns
# constructing the transformers
boxcox_trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")
# applying to X results in hierarchical data
c0 | c1 | |||
h0 | h1 | time | ||
h0_0 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 0.307301 | 3.456645 |
2000-01-02 | 0.305723 | 4.416187 | ||
2000-01-03 | 0.311191 | 3.777609 | ||
2000-01-04 | 0.304881 | 7.108861 | ||
2000-01-05 | 0.310189 | 3.825267 | ||
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
h0_1 | h1_3 | 2000-01-08 | 1.884165 | 9.828613 |
2000-01-09 | 1.087370 | 11.311330 | ||
2000-01-10 | 1.216886 | 0.000000 | ||
2000-01-11 | 0.219210 | 11.761224 | ||
2000-01-12 | 1.435712 | 9.208733 |
96 rows × 2 columns
Fitted model components of vectorized transformers can be found in the transformers_
attribute, or accessed via the universal get_fitted_params
# this is a pandas.DataFrame that contains the fitted transformers
# one per time series instance and variable
c0 | c1 | ||
h0 | h1 | ||
h0_0 | h1_0 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() |
h1_1 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() | |
h1_2 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() | |
h1_3 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() | |
h0_1 | h1_0 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() |
h1_1 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() | |
h1_2 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() | |
h1_3 | BoxCoxTransformer() | BoxCoxTransformer() |
# this returns a dictionary
# the transformers DataFrame is available at the key "transformers"
# individual transformers are available at dataframe-like keys
# it also contains all fitted lambdas as keyed parameters
{'transformers': c0 c1
h0 h1
h0_0 h1_0 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_1 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_2 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_3 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h0_1 h1_0 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_1 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_2 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer()
h1_3 BoxCoxTransformer() BoxCoxTransformer(),
"transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_0'),c0]": BoxCoxTransformer(),
"transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_0'),c0]__lambda": -3.1599525634239187,
"transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_1'),c1]": BoxCoxTransformer(),
"transformers.loc[('h0_0', 'h1_1'),c1]__lambda": 0.37511296223989965}
Example 2: broadcasting/vectorization of time series to scalar features transformer
The SummaryTransformer
behaves similarly. Multiple time series instances are transformed to different columns of the resulting data frame.
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer
summary_trafo = SummaryTransformer()
# this produces a pandas DataFrame with more rows and columns
# rows correspond to different instances in X
# columns are multiplied and names prefixed by [variablename]__
# there is one column per variable and transformed feature
c0__mean | c0__std | c0__min | c0__max | c0__0.1 | c0__0.25 | c0__0.5 | c0__0.75 | c0__0.9 | c1__mean | c1__std | c1__min | c1__max | c1__0.1 | c1__0.25 | c1__0.5 | c1__0.75 | c1__0.9 | ||
h0 | h1 | ||||||||||||||||||
h0_0 | h1_0 | 3.202174 | 0.732349 | 2.498101 | 5.283440 | 2.709206 | 2.834797 | 2.975883 | 3.348140 | 3.635005 | 3.360042 | 0.744295 | 1.910203 | 4.694433 | 2.278782 | 3.194950 | 3.377147 | 3.722876 | 3.981182 |
h1_1 | 2.594633 | 0.850142 | 1.000000 | 4.040674 | 1.618444 | 1.988190 | 2.742309 | 3.084133 | 3.349082 | 3.637274 | 1.006419 | 2.376048 | 5.112509 | 2.402845 | 2.703573 | 3.644124 | 4.535796 | 4.873311 | |
h1_2 | 3.649374 | 1.181054 | 1.422356 | 5.359634 | 2.249409 | 2.881057 | 3.813969 | 4.319322 | 5.021987 | 2.945555 | 1.245355 | 1.684464 | 6.469536 | 1.795508 | 2.324243 | 2.757053 | 3.159779 | 3.547420 | |
h1_3 | 2.865339 | 0.745604 | 1.654998 | 4.718420 | 2.313490 | 2.477173 | 2.839630 | 3.137472 | 3.372838 | 3.394633 | 0.971250 | 1.866518 | 5.236633 | 2.506371 | 2.653524 | 3.259750 | 4.192159 | 4.419325 | |
h0_1 | h1_0 | 2.946692 | 1.025167 | 1.085568 | 5.159135 | 1.933525 | 2.375844 | 2.952310 | 3.412478 | 3.687086 | 3.203431 | 0.970914 | 1.554428 | 4.546142 | 1.756260 | 2.405147 | 3.544128 | 3.954901 | 4.046171 |
h1_1 | 3.274710 | 0.883594 | 1.930773 | 4.771649 | 1.988411 | 2.710401 | 3.434244 | 3.799033 | 4.167242 | 3.116279 | 0.604060 | 2.235531 | 4.167924 | 2.426392 | 2.655720 | 3.079178 | 3.660901 | 3.762036 | |
h1_2 | 3.397527 | 0.630344 | 2.277090 | 4.571272 | 2.791987 | 2.965040 | 3.457581 | 3.783002 | 4.031893 | 3.297039 | 0.938834 | 1.826276 | 4.919249 | 2.292343 | 2.646870 | 3.139703 | 3.975298 | 4.365553 | |
h1_3 | 3.356722 | 1.326547 | 1.233706 | 5.505544 | 2.467667 | 2.567089 | 2.884737 | 4.308726 | 5.273261 | 3.232578 | 1.003957 | 1.000000 | 4.234051 | 2.113028 | 2.568151 | 3.659943 | 3.953375 | 4.022143 |
3.2.4 Transformers as pipeline components#
transformers can be pipelined with any other sktime
estimator type, including forecasters, classifiers, and other transformers.
Pipelines = estimators of the same type, same interface as specialized class
pipeline build operation: make_pipeline
or via *
Pipelining pipe = trafo * est
produces pipe
of same type as est
, first trafo.fit_transform
, then
is executed on the result.
In pipe.predict
, first trafo.transform
, then est.predict
is executed.
(the arguments that are piped differ by type and can be looked up in the docstrings of pipeline classes, or specialized tutorials)
we have seen this example above
from sktime.forecasting.trend import PolynomialTrendForecaster
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
from sktime.transformations.series.detrend import Deseasonalizer
y = load_airline()
pipe = LogTransformer() * Deseasonalizer(sp=12) * PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2)
TransformedTargetForecaster(steps=[LogTransformer(), Deseasonalizer(sp=12), PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2)])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
TransformedTargetForecaster(steps=[LogTransformer(), Deseasonalizer(sp=12), PolynomialTrendForecaster(degree=2)])
# this is a forecaster with the same interface as Polynomial Trend Forecaster, fh=[1, 2, 3])
y_pred = pipe.predict()
plot_series(y, y_pred)
(<Figure size 1600x400 with 1 Axes>,
<AxesSubplot: ylabel='Number of airline passengers'>)
works the same with classifiers or other estimator types!
from sktime.classification.distance_based import KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier
from sktime.transformations.series.exponent import ExponentTransformer
pipe = ExponentTransformer() * KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier()
# this constructs a ClassifierPipeline, which is also a classifier
ClassifierPipeline(classifier=KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(), transformers=[ExponentTransformer()])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
ClassifierPipeline(classifier=KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(), transformers=[ExponentTransformer()])
from sktime.datasets import load_unit_test
X_train, y_train = load_unit_test(split="TRAIN")
X_test, _ = load_unit_test(split="TEST")
# this is a forecaster with the same interface as knn-classifier
# first applies exponent transform, then knn-classifier, y_train)
ClassifierPipeline(classifier=KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(), transformers=[ExponentTransformer()])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
ClassifierPipeline(classifier=KNeighborsTimeSeriesClassifier(), transformers=[ExponentTransformer()])
3.3 Combining transformers, feature engineering#
transformers are natural pipeline components
data processing steps
feature engineering steps
post processing steps
they can be combined in a number of other ways:
pipelining = sequential chaining
feature union = parallel, addition of features
feature subsetting = selecting columns
inversion = switch transform and inverse
multiplexing = switching between transformers
passthrough = switch on/ off
Chaining transformers via *
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer
pipe = Differencer() * SummaryTransformer()
# this constructs a TransformerPipeline, which is also a transformer
TransformerPipeline(steps=[Differencer(), SummaryTransformer()])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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TransformerPipeline(steps=[Differencer(), SummaryTransformer()])
from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _bottom_hier_datagen
X = _bottom_hier_datagen(no_levels=1, no_bottom_nodes=2)
# this is a transformer with the same interface
# first applies differencer, then summary transform
mean | std | min | max | 0.1 | 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.9 | |
0 | 2.222222 | 33.636569 | -101.0 | 87.00 | -37.700 | -16.000 | 3.50 | 22.25 | 43.000 |
1 | 48.111111 | 810.876526 | -2680.3 | 2416.86 | -826.462 | -323.145 | 76.33 | 448.86 | 1021.974 |
compatible with sklearn transformers!
default applies sklearn transformer per individual time series as a data frame table
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
pipe = Differencer() * StandardScaler()
TransformerPipeline(steps=[Differencer(), TabularToSeriesAdaptor(transformer=StandardScaler())])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
TransformerPipeline(steps=[Differencer(), TabularToSeriesAdaptor(transformer=StandardScaler())])
passengers | ||
l1_agg | timepoints | |
l1_node01 | 1949-01 | -0.066296 |
1949-02 | 0.112704 | |
1949-03 | 0.351370 | |
1949-04 | -0.155796 | |
1949-05 | -0.304963 | |
... | ... | ... |
l1_node02 | 1960-08 | -0.623659 |
1960-09 | -3.376512 | |
1960-10 | -1.565994 | |
1960-11 | -2.231567 | |
1960-12 | 1.210249 |
288 rows × 1 columns
pipeline-adaptor chains can be constructed manually:
composites are compatible with get_params
/ set_params
parameter interface:
{'steps': [Differencer(),
'Differencer': Differencer(),
'TabularToSeriesAdaptor': TabularToSeriesAdaptor(transformer=StandardScaler()),
'Differencer__lags': 1,
'Differencer__memory': 'all',
'Differencer__na_handling': 'fill_zero',
'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__fit_in_transform': False,
'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer__copy': True,
'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer__with_mean': True,
'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer__with_std': True,
'TabularToSeriesAdaptor__transformer': StandardScaler()}
Feature union via +
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag
pipe = Differencer() + Lag()
# this constructs a FeatureUnion, which is also a transformer
FeatureUnion(transformer_list=[Differencer(), Lag()])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
FeatureUnion(transformer_list=[Differencer(), Lag()])
from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _bottom_hier_datagen
X = _bottom_hier_datagen(no_levels=1, no_bottom_nodes=2)
# applies both Differencer and Lag, returns transformed in different columns
Differencer__passengers | Lag__lag_0__passengers | ||
l1_agg | timepoints | ||
l1_node01 | 1949-01 | 0.00 | 112.00 |
1949-02 | 6.00 | 118.00 | |
1949-03 | 14.00 | 132.00 | |
1949-04 | -3.00 | 129.00 | |
1949-05 | -8.00 | 121.00 | |
... | ... | ... | ... |
l1_node02 | 1960-08 | -1920.80 | 38845.27 |
1960-09 | -10759.42 | 28085.85 | |
1960-10 | -4546.78 | 23539.07 | |
1960-11 | -6114.52 | 17424.55 | |
1960-12 | 3507.42 | 20931.97 |
288 rows × 2 columns
to retain the original columns, use the Id
from sktime.transformations.compose import Id
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag
pipe = Id() + Differencer() + Lag([1, 2], index_out="original")
Id__passengers | Differencer__passengers | Lag__lag_1__passengers | Lag__lag_2__passengers | ||
l1_agg | timepoints | ||||
l1_node01 | 1949-01 | 112.00 | 0.00 | NaN | NaN |
1949-02 | 118.00 | 6.00 | 112.00 | NaN | |
1949-03 | 132.00 | 14.00 | 118.00 | 112.00 | |
1949-04 | 129.00 | -3.00 | 132.00 | 118.00 | |
1949-05 | 121.00 | -8.00 | 129.00 | 132.00 | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
l1_node02 | 1960-08 | 38845.27 | -1920.80 | 40766.07 | 30877.65 |
1960-09 | 28085.85 | -10759.42 | 38845.27 | 40766.07 | |
1960-10 | 23539.07 | -4546.78 | 28085.85 | 38845.27 | |
1960-11 | 17424.55 | -6114.52 | 23539.07 | 28085.85 | |
1960-12 | 20931.97 | 3507.42 | 17424.55 | 23539.07 |
288 rows × 4 columns
# parameter inspection
{'flatten_transform_index': True,
'n_jobs': None,
'transformer_list': [Id(),
Lag(index_out='original', lags=[1, 2])],
'transformer_weights': None,
'Id': Id(),
'Differencer': Differencer(),
'Lag': Lag(index_out='original', lags=[1, 2]),
'Id___output_convert': 'auto',
'Differencer__lags': 1,
'Differencer__memory': 'all',
'Differencer__na_handling': 'fill_zero',
'Lag__flatten_transform_index': True,
'Lag__freq': None,
'Lag__index_out': 'original',
'Lag__keep_column_names': False,
'Lag__lags': [1, 2]}
Subset input columns via [colname]
let’s say we want to apply Differencer
to column 0, and Lag
to column 1
also we keep the original columns for illustration
from sktime.utils._testing.hierarchical import _make_hierarchical
X = _make_hierarchical(
hierarchy_levels=(2, 2), n_columns=2, min_timepoints=3, max_timepoints=3
c0 | c1 | |||
h0 | h1 | time | ||
h0_0 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 3.356766 | 2.649204 |
2000-01-02 | 2.262487 | 2.204119 | ||
2000-01-03 | 2.087692 | 2.186494 | ||
h1_1 | 2000-01-01 | 4.311237 | 3.129610 | |
2000-01-02 | 3.190134 | 1.747807 | ||
2000-01-03 | 4.231399 | 2.483151 | ||
h0_1 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 4.356575 | 3.550554 |
2000-01-02 | 2.865619 | 2.783107 | ||
2000-01-03 | 3.781770 | 2.619533 | ||
h1_1 | 2000-01-01 | 3.113704 | 1.000000 | |
2000-01-02 | 2.673081 | 2.561047 | ||
2000-01-03 | 1.000000 | 2.953516 |
from sktime.transformations.compose import Id
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag
pipe = Id() + Differencer()["c0"] + Lag([1, 2], index_out="original")["c1"]
Id__c0 | Id__c1 | TransformerPipeline_1__c0 | TransformerPipeline_2__lag_1__c1 | TransformerPipeline_2__lag_2__c1 | |||
h0 | h1 | time | |||||
h0_0 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 3.356766 | 2.649204 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN |
2000-01-02 | 2.262487 | 2.204119 | -1.094279 | 2.649204 | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 2.087692 | 2.186494 | -0.174795 | 2.204119 | 2.649204 | ||
h1_1 | 2000-01-01 | 4.311237 | 3.129610 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | |
2000-01-02 | 3.190134 | 1.747807 | -1.121103 | 3.129610 | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 4.231399 | 2.483151 | 1.041265 | 1.747807 | 3.129610 | ||
h0_1 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 4.356575 | 3.550554 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN |
2000-01-02 | 2.865619 | 2.783107 | -1.490956 | 3.550554 | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 3.781770 | 2.619533 | 0.916151 | 2.783107 | 3.550554 | ||
h1_1 | 2000-01-01 | 3.113704 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | |
2000-01-02 | 2.673081 | 2.561047 | -0.440623 | 1.000000 | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 1.000000 | 2.953516 | -1.673081 | 2.561047 | 1.000000 |
auto-generated names can be replaced by using FeatureUnion
from sktime.transformations.compose import FeatureUnion
pipe = FeatureUnion(
("original", Id()),
("diff", Differencer()["c0"]),
("lag", Lag([1, 2], index_out="original")),
original__c0 | original__c1 | diff__c0 | lag__lag_1__c0 | lag__lag_1__c1 | lag__lag_2__c0 | lag__lag_2__c1 | |||
h0 | h1 | time | |||||||
h0_0 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 3.356766 | 2.649204 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2000-01-02 | 2.262487 | 2.204119 | -1.094279 | 3.356766 | 2.649204 | NaN | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 2.087692 | 2.186494 | -0.174795 | 2.262487 | 2.204119 | 3.356766 | 2.649204 | ||
h1_1 | 2000-01-01 | 4.311237 | 3.129610 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
2000-01-02 | 3.190134 | 1.747807 | -1.121103 | 4.311237 | 3.129610 | NaN | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 4.231399 | 2.483151 | 1.041265 | 3.190134 | 1.747807 | 4.311237 | 3.129610 | ||
h0_1 | h1_0 | 2000-01-01 | 4.356575 | 3.550554 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
2000-01-02 | 2.865619 | 2.783107 | -1.490956 | 4.356575 | 3.550554 | NaN | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 3.781770 | 2.619533 | 0.916151 | 2.865619 | 2.783107 | 4.356575 | 3.550554 | ||
h1_1 | 2000-01-01 | 3.113704 | 1.000000 | 0.000000 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN | |
2000-01-02 | 2.673081 | 2.561047 | -0.440623 | 3.113704 | 1.000000 | NaN | NaN | ||
2000-01-03 | 1.000000 | 2.953516 | -1.673081 | 2.673081 | 2.561047 | 3.113704 | 1.000000 |
turning log transform into exp transform via invert ~
import numpy as np
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import LogTransformer
log = LogTransformer()
exp = ~log
# this behaves like an "e to the power of" transformer now
exp.fit_transform(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
array([ 2.71828183, 7.3890561 , 20.08553692])
autoML structure compositors: multiplexer switch ¦
and on/off switch -
expose decisions as parameter
do we want differencer or lag? for tuning later
do we want [differencer and lag] or [original features and lag] ? for tuning later
# differencer or lag
from sktime.transformations.series.difference import Differencer
from sktime.transformations.series.lag import Lag
pipe = Differencer() | Lag()
{'selected_transformer': None,
'transformers': [Differencer(), Lag()],
'Differencer': Differencer(),
'Lag': Lag(),
'Differencer__lags': 1,
'Differencer__memory': 'all',
'Differencer__na_handling': 'fill_zero',
'Lag__flatten_transform_index': True,
'Lag__freq': None,
'Lag__index_out': 'extend',
'Lag__keep_column_names': False,
'Lag__lags': 0}
the selected_transformer
parameter exposes the choice:
does this behave as Lag
or Differencer
# switch = Lag -> this is a Lag transformer now!
MultiplexTransformer(selected_transformer='Lag', transformers=[Differencer(), Lag()])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
MultiplexTransformer(selected_transformer='Lag', transformers=[Differencer(), Lag()])
# switch = Lag -> this is a Differencer now!
MultiplexTransformer(selected_transformer='Differencer', transformers=[Differencer(), Lag()])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
MultiplexTransformer(selected_transformer='Differencer', transformers=[Differencer(), Lag()])
similar, on/off switch with ~
same as multiplexer between wrapped transformer and Id
optional_differencer = -Differencer()
# this behaves as Differencer now
OptionalPassthrough(transformer=Differencer())In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
# this is now just the identity transformer
OptionalPassthrough(passthrough=True, transformer=Differencer())In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
OptionalPassthrough(passthrough=True, transformer=Differencer())
3.4 Technical details - transformer types and signatures#
This section explains the different types of transformers found in sktime
in detail.
There are four main types of transformation in sktime
transforming a series/sequence into scalar- or category-valued features. Examples:
, or extractingmean
overall.transforming a series into another series. Examples: detrending, smoothing, filtering, lagging.
transforming a panel into another panel. Examples: principal component projection; applying individual series-to-series transformation to all series in the panel.
transforming a pair of series into a scalar value. Examples: dynamic time warping distance between series/sequences; generalized alignment kernel between series/sequences.
Notably, the first three (series to primitive features, series to series, panel to panel) are covered by the same base class template and module. We call these transformers “time series transformers”, or, simply, “transformers”. Kernels and distances for time series and sequences have the same mathematical signature and differ only in mathematical properties (e.g., definiteness assumptions) - they are covered by the more abstract scientific type of “pairwise transformer”.
Below, we give an overview in sub-sections: * reviewing common data container formats for series and panels * showcasing the signature of time series transformers, that transform a single series or panel * showcasing the signature of pairwise transformers, that transform a pair of series to a scalar, e.g., distances or kernels * how to search sktime
for transformers of a certain type
3.4.1 Data container format#
transformers apply to individual time series and panels. Panels are collections of time series, and we refer to each time series in a panel as an “instance” of the panel. This is formalized as abstract “scientific types” Series
and Panel
, with multiple possible in-memory representations, so-called “mtypes”.
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will be working with the most common mtypes. For more details and formal data type specifications, see the “datatypes and datasets” tutorial.
are commonly represented as:
for univariate time series and sequencespandas.DataFrame
for uni- or multivariate time series and sequences
The Series.index
and DataFrame.index
are used for representing the time series or sequence index. sktime
supports pandas integer, period and timestamp indices.
-s are commonly represented as: * a pandas.DataFrame
in a specific format, defined by the pd-multiindex
mtype. This has a 2-level index, for time points and instances * a list
of pandas.DataFrame
, where all pandas.DataFrame
are in the Series
format. The different list
elements are the different instances
In either case, the “time” index must be a sktime
compatible time index type, as for Series
from sktime.datatypes import get_examples
# example of a univariate series
get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[0]
0 1.0
1 4.0
2 0.5
3 -3.0
Name: a, dtype: float64
# example of a multivariate series
get_examples("pd.DataFrame", "Series")[1]
a | b | |
0 | 1.0 | 3.000000 |
1 | 4.0 | 7.000000 |
2 | 0.5 | 2.000000 |
3 | -3.0 | -0.428571 |
# example of a panel with mtype pd-multiindex
get_examples("pd-multiindex", "Panel")[0]
var_0 | var_1 | ||
instances | timepoints | ||
0 | 0 | 1 | 4 |
1 | 2 | 5 | |
2 | 3 | 6 | |
1 | 0 | 1 | 4 |
1 | 2 | 55 | |
2 | 3 | 6 | |
2 | 0 | 1 | 42 |
1 | 2 | 5 | |
2 | 3 | 6 |
# example of the same panel with mtype df-list
get_examples("df-list", "Panel")[0]
[ var_0 var_1
0 1 4
1 2 5
2 3 6,
var_0 var_1
0 1 4
1 2 55
2 3 6,
var_0 var_1
0 1 42
1 2 5
2 3 6]
supports more mtypes, see the “datatypes and datasets” tutorial for more details.
3.4.2 General transformer signature - time series transformers#
Transformers for Series
and Panel
have the same high-level interface. Depending which data type they are more commonly used for, they are found either in the transformations.series
or transformations.panel
module. As said, this does not imply a separate interface.
The most important interface points of transformers are:
construction with parameters, this is as with any other
estimatorfitting the transformer, via
transforming data, via
inverse transforming, via
- not all transformers have this interface point, since not all are invertibleupdating the transformer, via
- not all transformers have this interface point (update
is currently work in progress, as of v0.8.x, contributions are appreciated)
We show this using two example transformers below - one whose transform
outputs Series
, and one whose transform
outputs primitive features (numbers or categories).
We will apply both transformations to the following Series
and Panel
from sktime.datatypes import get_examples
# univariate series used in the examples
X_series = get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[3]
# panel used in the examples
X_panel = get_examples("pd-multiindex", "Panel")[2]
0 1.0
1 4.0
2 0.5
3 3.0
Name: a, dtype: float64
var_0 | ||
instances | timepoints | |
0 | 0 | 4 |
1 | 5 | |
2 | 6 |
The Box-Cox transformer applies the Box-Cox transform to individual values in series or panels. At the start, the transformer needs to be constructed with parameter settings, this is the same as for any sktime
# constructing the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.boxcox import BoxCoxTransformer
my_boxcox_trafo = BoxCoxTransformer(method="mle")
Now, we apply the constructed transformer my_trafo
to a (single, univariate) series. First, the transformer is fitted:
# fitting the transformer
BoxCoxTransformer()Please rerun this cell to show the HTML repr or trust the notebook.
Next, the transformer is applied, this results in a transformed series.
# transforming the series
0 0.000000
1 1.636217
2 -0.640098
3 1.251936
Name: a, dtype: float64
Generally, the series passed to transform
need not be the same as in fit
, but if they are the same, the shorthand fit_transform
can instead be used:
0 0.000000
1 1.636217
2 -0.640098
3 1.251936
Name: a, dtype: float64
The transformer can also be applied to Panel
var_0 | ||
instances | timepoints | |
0 | 0 | 2.156835 |
1 | 2.702737 | |
2 | 3.206011 |
Note: the BoxCoxTransformer
used has applied the Box-Cox transform to every series in the panel individually, but that need not be the case transformers in general.
The summary transformer can be used to extract sample statistics such as mean and variance from a series. First, we construct the transformer:
# constructing the transformer
from sktime.transformations.series.summarize import SummaryTransformer
my_summary_trafo = SummaryTransformer()
As before, we can fit/apply with fit
, transform
, and fit_transform
returns primitive features, hence the output will be a pandas.DataFrame
, each row corresponding to one series in the input.
If the input is a single series, the output of transform
and fit_transform
will be a one-row, nine-column DataFrame
, corresponding to the nine-number-summary of that one series:
mean | std | min | max | 0.1 | 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.9 | |
0 | 2.125 | 1.652019 | 0.5 | 4.0 | 0.65 | 0.875 | 2.0 | 3.25 | 3.7 |
If the input is a panel, the output of transform
and fit_transform
will be a DataFrame
with as many rows as the Panel
had series. The i
th row has the summary statistics of the i
th series in the panel X_panel
mean | std | min | max | 0.1 | 0.25 | 0.5 | 0.75 | 0.9 | |
instances | |||||||||
0 | 5.0 | 1.0 | 4.0 | 6.0 | 4.2 | 4.5 | 5.0 | 5.5 | 5.8 |
Whether transform
will return time series like objects (Series
or Panel
) or primitives (i.e. a pandas.DataFrame
) can be checked by using the "scitype:transform-output"
tag. This is "Series"
for behaviour as in the first example (BoxCoxTransformer
), and "Primitives"
for behaviour as in the second example (SummaryTransformer
Use of tags to characterize and search for transformers will be discussed in more detail in section 4.
NOTE: currently not all transformers are refactored to accept both Series
to Panel
arguments, the above may hence not fully work for all transformers. Contributions to the transformer refactor are very much appreciated.
3.4.3 General transformer signature - pairwise series transformers#
Pairwise series transformers model mathematical objects of signature (Series, Series) -> float
, or, in mathematical notation,
Common examples are distances between series, or (positive definite) kernels on series.
Pairwise transformers have a parametric constructor, like any other sktime
object. The transformation is achieved by the method transform
, or, equivalently, for brevity, by a call to the constructed object.
The method transform
always returns a 2D numpy.ndarray
, and can be called in multiple ways: * with two Series
arguments X, X2
, in which case a 1 x 1 array is returned. Denote this function by t(X, X2)
* with two Panel
arguments X
, X2
, in which case an m x n
array is returned, where m
is the number of instances in X
and n
is the number of instances in X2
. The (i,j)
-th entry corresponds to t(Xi, X2j)
, where Xi
is the i
in the Panel
, and X2j
is the j
-th Series
in the Panel
. * with one Series
and one Panel
argument, in which case the Series
is interpreted as a 1-element Panel
, with return as above. * with one single argument, Series
or Panel
, in which case X
and X2
are assumed to be the same as the one argument, with behaviour as above.
We show these in a few examples below.
from sktime.datatypes import get_examples
# unviariate series used in the examples
X_series = get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[0]
X2_series = get_examples("pd.Series", "Series")[1]
# panel used in the examples
X_panel = get_examples("pd-multiindex", "Panel")[0]
First, we construct the pairwise transformer with parameters. In this case, the pairwise transformer is a distance (the mean Euclidean distance):
# constructing the transformer
from sktime.dists_kernels import AggrDist, ScipyDist
# mean of paired Euclidean distances
my_series_dist = AggrDist(ScipyDist(metric="euclidean"))
We can then evaluate the distance by transform
or direct call:
# evaluate the metric on two series, via transform
my_series_dist.transform(X_series, X2_series)
# evaluate the metric on two series, by direct call - this is the same
my_series_dist(X_series, X2_series)
# evaluate the metric on two identical panels of three series
my_series_dist(X_panel, X_panel)
array([[ 1.25707872, 17.6116986 , 13.12667685],
[17.6116986 , 22.85520736, 21.30677498],
[13.12667685, 21.30677498, 16.55183053]])
# this is the same as providing only one argument
array([[ 1.25707872, 17.6116986 , 13.12667685],
[17.6116986 , 22.85520736, 21.30677498],
[13.12667685, 21.30677498, 16.55183053]])
# one series, one panel
# we subset X_panel to univariate, since the distance in question
# cannot compare series with different number of variables
my_series_dist(X_series, X_panel[["var_1"]])
array([[ 4.375 , 21.04166667, 17.04166667]])
Pairwise transformers are composable, and use the familiar get_params
interface, just like any other sktime
object and scikit-learn
{'aggfunc': None,
'aggfunc_is_symm': False,
'transformer': ScipyDist(),
'transformer__colalign': 'intersect',
'transformer__metric': 'euclidean',
'transformer__metric_kwargs': None,
'transformer__p': 2,
'transformer__var_weights': None}
3.4.4 General transformer signature - pairwise transformers#
also provides functionality for pairwise transformers on tabular data, i.e., mathematical objects of signature (DataFrame-row, DataFrame-row) -> float
, or, in mathematical notation,
. Common examples are distances between series, or (positive definite) kernels on series.
The behaviour is as for series transformers, evaluation is callable by transform(X, X2)
or a direct call.
Inputs to transform
of a pairwise (tabular) transformer must always be pandas.DataFrame
. The output is an m x n
matrix, a 2D np.ndarray
, with m = len(X), n=len(X2)
. The (i,j)
-th entry corresponds to t(Xi, X2j)
, where Xi
is the i
-th row of X
, and X2j
is the j
-th row of X2
. If X2
is not passed, it defaults to X
from sktime.datatypes import get_examples
# we retrieve some DataFrame examples
X_tabular = get_examples("pd.DataFrame", "Series")[1]
X2_tabular = get_examples("pd.DataFrame", "Series")[1][0:3]
# constructing the transformer
from sktime.dists_kernels import ScipyDist
# mean of paired Euclidean distances
my_tabular_dist = ScipyDist(metric="euclidean")
# obtain matrix of distances between each pair of rows in X_tabular, X2_tabular
my_tabular_dist(X_tabular, X2_tabular)
array([[ 0. , 5. , 1.11803399],
[ 5. , 0. , 6.10327781],
[ 1.11803399, 6.10327781, 0. ],
[ 5.26831112, 10.20704039, 4.26004216]])
3.4.5 Searching for transformers#
As with all sktime
objects, we can use the registry.all_estimators
utility to display all transformers in sktime
The relevant scitypes are: * "transformer"
for all transformers (as in Section 2.2) * "transformer-pairwise"
for all pairwise transformers on tabular data (as in Section 2.4) * "transformer-panel"
for all pairwise transformers on panel data (as in Section 2.3)
To filter transformers ("transformer"
scitype) further by input and output, use tags, most importantly: * "scitype:transform-output"
- the output scitype that the transform produces. Series
for time series, Primitives
for primitive features (float, categories). * "scitype:instancewise"
- whether transform uses all samples or acts by instance. If True
, this is simply a vectorized operation per series. If False
, then fitting on a single series does not have the same
result as fitting on multiple.
These and further tags will be explained in more detail in Section 2.
from sktime.registry import all_estimators
# listing all pairwise panel transformers - distances, kernels on time series
all_estimators("transformer", as_dataframe=True)
name | object | |
0 | ADICVTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.adi_cv.A... |
1 | Aggregator | <class ' |
2 | AutoCorrelationTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.acf.Auto... |
3 | BKFilter | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.bkfilter... |
4 | Bollinger | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.bollinge... |
... | ... | ... |
123 | TruncationTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.truncatio... |
124 | VmdTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.vmd.VmdT... |
125 | WhiteNoiseAugmenter | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.augmente... |
126 | WindowSummarizer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.summariz... |
127 | YtoX | <class 'sktime.transformations.compose._ytox.Y... |
128 rows × 2 columns
# now subset to transformers that extract scalar features
filter_tags={"scitype:transform-output": "Primitives"},
name | object | |
0 | ADICVTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.adi_cv.A... |
1 | Catch22 | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.catch22.C... |
2 | Catch22Wrapper | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.catch22wr... |
3 | DistanceFeatures | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.compose_d... |
4 | FittedParamExtractor | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.summarize... |
5 | MatrixProfile | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.matrix_pr... |
6 | MiniRocket | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m... |
7 | MiniRocketMultivariate | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m... |
8 | MiniRocketMultivariateVariable | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m... |
9 | MultiRocket | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m... |
10 | MultiRocketMultivariate | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._m... |
11 | RandomIntervalFeatureExtractor | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.summarize... |
12 | RandomIntervals | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.random_in... |
13 | RandomShapeletTransform | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.shapelet_... |
14 | Rocket | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._r... |
15 | RocketPyts | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.rocket._r... |
16 | ShapeletTransform | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.shapelet_... |
17 | ShapeletTransformPyts | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.shapelet_... |
18 | SignatureTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.signature... |
19 | SummaryTransformer | <class 'sktime.transformations.series.summariz... |
20 | SupervisedIntervals | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.supervise... |
21 | TSFreshFeatureExtractor | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.tsfresh.T... |
22 | TSFreshRelevantFeatureExtractor | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.tsfresh.T... |
23 | Tabularizer | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.reduce.Ta... |
24 | TimeBinner | <class 'sktime.transformations.panel.reduce.Ti... |
# listing all pairwise (tabular) transformers - distances, kernels on vectors/df-rows
all_estimators("transformer-pairwise", as_dataframe=True)
name | object | |
0 | ScipyDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.scipy_dist.ScipyD... |
# listing all pairwise panel transformers - distances, kernels on time series
all_estimators("transformer-pairwise-panel", as_dataframe=True)
name | object | |
0 | AggrDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose_tab_to_pa... |
1 | CombinedDistance | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.algebra.CombinedD... |
2 | ConstantPwTrafoPanel | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dummy.ConstantPwT... |
3 | CtwDistTslearn | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.ctw.CtwDistTslearn'> |
4 | DistFromAligner | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose_from_alig... |
5 | DistFromKernel | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dist_to_kern.Dist... |
6 | DtwDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_sktime.D... |
7 | DtwDistTslearn | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_tslearn.... |
8 | DtwDtaidistMultiv | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_dtaidist... |
9 | DtwDtaidistUniv | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_dtaidist... |
10 | DtwPythonDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_python.D... |
11 | EditDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.edit_dist.EditDist'> |
12 | FlatDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose_tab_to_pa... |
13 | GAKernel | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.gak.GAKernel'> |
14 | IndepDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.indep.IndepDist'> |
15 | KernelFromDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dist_to_kern.Kern... |
16 | LcssTslearn | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.lcss.LcssTslearn'> |
17 | LuckyDtwDist | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.lucky.LuckyDtwDist'> |
18 | PwTrafoPanelPipeline | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.compose.PwTrafoPa... |
19 | SignatureKernel | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.signature_kernel.... |
20 | SoftDtwDistTslearn | <class 'sktime.dists_kernels.dtw._dtw_tslearn.... |
3.5 Extension guide - implementing your own transformer#
is meant to be easily extensible, for direct contribution to sktime
as well as for local/private extension with custom methods.
To extend sktime
with a new local or contributed transformer, a good workflow to follow is:
read through the transformer extension template - this is a
file withtodo
blocks that mark the places in which changes need to be added.optionally, if you are planning any major surgeries to the interface: look at the base class architecture - note that “ordinary” extension (e.g., new algorithm) should be easily doable without this.
copy the transformer extension template to a local folder in your own repository (local/private extension), or to a suitable location in your clone of the
or affiliated repository (if contributed extension), insidesktime.transformations
; rename the file and update the file docstring appropriately.address the “todo” parts. Usually, this means: changing the name of the class, setting the tag values, specifying hyper-parameters, filling in
, and optional methods such as_inverse_transform
(for details see the extension template). You can add private methods as long as they do not override the default public interface. For more details, see the extension test your estimator manually: import your estimator and run it in the workflows in Section 2.2; then use it in the compositors in Section 2.3.
to test your estimator automatically: call
on your estimator. You can call this on a class or object instance. Ensure you have specified test parameters in theget_test_params
method, according to the extension template.
In case of direct contribution to sktime
or one of its affiliated packages, additionally: * Add yourself as an author and/or a maintainer for the new estimator file(s), via "authors"
and "maintainers"
tag. * create a pull request that contains only the new estimators (and their inheritance tree, if it’s not just one class), as well as the automated tests as described above. * in the pull request, describe the estimator and optimally provide a publication or other technical
reference for the strategy it implements. * before making the pull request, ensure that you have all necessary permissions to contribute the code to a permissive license (BSD-3) open source project.
3.6 Summary#
transformers are data processing steps with unified interface -
, and optionalinverse_transform
used as pipeline components for any learning task, forecasting, classification
different types by input/output - time series, primitives, pairs of time series, panels/hierarchical.
find transformers by tags such as
rich composition syntax -
for pipe,+
for featureunion,[in, out]
for variable subset,|
for multiplex/switchsktime
provides easy-to-use extension templates for transformers, build your own, plug and play
Credits: notebook 3 - transformers#
notebook creation: fkiraly
Based on design ideas: sklearn, magrittr, mlr, mlj
Generated using nbsphinx. The Jupyter notebook can be found here.