Performance metrics#
The sktime.performance_metrics
module contains metrics for evaluating and tuning time series models.
All parameter estimators in sktime
can be listed using the
using estimator_types="metric"
, optionally filtered by tags.
Valid tags can be listed using sktime.registry.all_tags
A full table with tag based search is also available on the Estimator Search Page (select “metric” in the “Estimator type” dropdown).
Metrics for assessing model performance.
Point forecasts - classes#
Mean absolute scaled error (MASE). |
Median absolute scaled error (MdASE). |
Mean squared scaled error (MSSE) or root mean squared scaled error (RMSSE). |
Median squared scaled error (MdSSE) or root median squared scaled error (RMdSSE). |
Mean absolute error (MAE). |
Mean squared error (MSE) or root mean squared error (RMSE). |
Median absolute error (MdAE). |
Median squared error (MdSE) or root median squared error (RMdSE). |
Geometric mean absolute error (GMAE). |
Geometric mean squared error (GMSE) or Root geometric mean squared error (RGMSE). |
Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) or symmetric MAPE. |
Median absolute percentage error (MdAPE) or symmetric version. |
Mean squared percentage error (MSPE), or RMSPE, or symmetric MSPE, RMSPE. |
Median squared percentage error (MdSPE), or RMdSPE, or symmetric MdSPE, RMDsPE. |
Mean relative absolute error (MRAE). |
Median relative absolute error (MdRAE). |
Geometric mean relative absolute error (GMRAE). |
Geometric mean relative squared error (GMRSE). |
Calculate mean of asymmetric loss function. |
Calculate mean linex error. |
Calculate relative loss of forecast versus benchmark forecast. |
Point forecasts - functions#
Create a metric class from a metric function. |
Mean absolute scaled error (MASE). |
Median absolute scaled error (MdASE). |
Mean squared scaled error (MSSE) or root mean squared scaled error (RMSSE). |
Median squared scaled error (MdSSE) or root median squared scaled error (RMdSSE). |
Mean absolute error (MAE). |
Mean squared error (MSE) or root mean squared error (RMSE). |
Median absolute error (MdAE). |
Median squared error (MdSE) or root median squared error (RMdSE). |
Geometric mean absolute error (GMAE). |
Geometric mean squared error (GMSE) or Root geometric mean squared error (RGMSE). |
Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) or symmetric version. |
Median absolute percentage error (MdAPE) or symmetric version. |
Mean squared percentage error (MSPE) or square root version. |
Median squared percentage error (MdSPE) or square root version. |
Mean relative absolute error (MRAE). |
Median relative absolute error (MdRAE). |
Geometric mean relative absolute error (GMRAE). |
Geometric mean relative squared error (GMRSE). |
Calculate mean of asymmetric loss function. |
Calculate mean linex error. |
Relative loss of forecast versus benchmark forecast for a given metric. |
Quantile and interval forecasts#
Pinball loss aka quantile loss for quantile/interval predictions. |
Empirical coverage percentage for interval predictions. |
Percentage of interval constraint violations for interval predictions. |
Distribution forecasts#
Area under the calibration curve for distributional predictions. |
Continuous rank probability score for distributional predictions. |
Logarithmic loss for distributional predictions. |
Squared loss for distributional predictions. |
Detection tasks#
Detection metrics can be applied to compare ground truth events with detected events, and ground truth segments with detected segments.
Detection metrics are typically designed for either:
point events, i.e., annotated time stamps, or
segments, i.e., annotated time intervals.
The metrics in sktime
can be used for both types of detection tasks:
segmentation metrics interpret point events as segment boundaries, separating consecutive segments
point event metrics are applied to segments by considering their boundaries as point events
Event detection - anomalies, outliers#
Directed Chamfer distance between event points. |
Directed Hausdorff distance between event points. |
Count of detection, possibly in excess or deviation of a target count. |
F1-score for event detection, using a margin-based match criterion. |
Segment detection#
Segmentation Rand Index metric. |
Legacy detection metrics#
These metrics do not follow the standard API and will be deprecated in the future.
Error counting the difference in the number of change points. |
Compute the Hausdorff distance between two sets of change points. |
Prediction ratio is the ratio of number of predicted to true change points. |