- write_tabular_transformation_to_arff(data, transformation, path, problem_name='sample_data', class_label=None, class_value_list=None, comment=None, fold='', fit_transform=True)[source]#
Transform dataset using a tabular transformer and write the result to arff file.
- Parameters:
- data: pandas dataframe or 3d numpy array
The dataset to build the transformation with which must be of the structure specified in the documentation examples/loading_data.ipynb.
- transformation: BaseTransformer
Transformation use and to save to arff.
- path: str
The full path to output the arff file to.
- problem_name: str, default=”sample_data”
The problemName to print in the header of the arff file and also the name of the file.
- class_label: list of str or None, default=None
The problems class labels to show the possible class values for in the file header, optional.
- class_value_list: list, ndarray or None, default=None
The class values for each case, optional.
- comment: str or None, default=None
Comment text to be inserted before the header in a block.
- fold: str or None, default=None
Addon at the end of the filename, i.e. _TRAIN or _TEST.
- fit_transform: bool, default=True
Whether to fit the transformer prior to calling transform.
- Returns:
- None