- class ForecastingHorizon(values=None, is_relative=None, freq=None)[source]#
Forecasting horizon.
- Parameters:
- valuespd.Index, pd.TimedeltaIndex, np.array, list, pd.Timedelta, or int
Values of forecasting horizon
- is_relativebool, optional (default=None)
- If True, a relative ForecastingHorizon is created:
values are relative to end of training series.
- If False, an absolute ForecastingHorizon is created:
values are absolute.
- if None, the flag is determined automatically:
relative, if values are of supported relative index type absolute, if not relative and values of supported absolute index type
- freqstr, pd.Index, pandas offset, or sktime forecaster, optional (default=None)
object carrying frequency information on values ignored unless values is without inferable freq
- Attributes:
Frequency attribute.
Whether forecasting horizon is relative to the end of the training series.
>>> from sktime.forecasting.base import ForecastingHorizon >>> from sktime.forecasting.naive import NaiveForecaster >>> from sktime.datasets import load_airline >>> from sktime.split import temporal_train_test_split >>> import numpy as np >>> y = load_airline() >>> y_train, y_test = temporal_train_test_split(y, test_size=6)
List as ForecastingHorizon
>>> ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3]) >>> # ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3], is_relative=True)
Numpy as ForecastingHorizon
>>> ForecastingHorizon(np.arange(1, 7)) >>> # ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], is_relative=True)
Absolute ForecastingHorizon with a pandas Index
>>> ForecastingHorizon(y_test.index, is_relative=False) >>> # ForecastingHorizon(['1960-07', ..., '1960-12'], is_relative=False)
>>> # set cutoff (last time point of training data) >>> cutoff = y_train.index[-1] >>> cutoff Period('1960-06', 'M') >>> # to_relative >>> fh = ForecastingHorizon(y_test.index, is_relative=False) >>> fh.to_relative(cutoff=cutoff) >>> # ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], is_relative=True)
>>> # to_absolute >>> fh = ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], is_relative=True) >>> fh = fh.to_absolute(cutoff=cutoff) >>> # ForecastingHorizon(['1960-07', ..., '1960-12'], is_relative=False)
Automatically casted ForecastingHorizon from list when calling predict()
>>> forecaster = NaiveForecaster(strategy="drift") >>> NaiveForecaster(...) >>> y_pred = forecaster.predict(fh=[1,2,3]) >>> forecaster.fh >>> # ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64', is_relative=True)
This is identical to give an object of ForecastingHorizon
>>> y_pred = forecaster.predict(fh=ForecastingHorizon([1,2,3])) >>> forecaster.fh >>> # ForecastingHorizon([1, 2, 3], dtype='int64', is_relative=True)
([y, cutoff, sort_by_time])Construct DataFrame Index expected in y_pred, return of _predict.
([cutoff])Whether the forecasting horizon is purely in-sample for given cutoff.
([cutoff])Whether the forecasting horizon is purely out-of-sample for given cutoff.
(cutoff)Return absolute version of forecasting horizon values.
([cutoff])Return absolute values of the horizon as a pandas.Index.
(start[, cutoff])Return absolute values as zero-based integer index starting from
([cutoff])Return in-sample index values of fh.
([cutoff, from_cutoff])Return zero-based indexer values for easy indexing into arrays.
(**kwargs)Return forecasting horizon's underlying values as np.array.
([cutoff])Return out-of-sample values of fh.
Return forecasting horizon's underlying values as pd.Index.
([cutoff])Return forecasting horizon values relative to a cutoff.
- property is_relative: bool[source]#
Whether forecasting horizon is relative to the end of the training series.
- Returns:
- is_relativebool
- to_pandas() Index [source]#
Return forecasting horizon’s underlying values as pd.Index.
- Returns:
- fhpd.Index
pandas Index containing forecasting horizon’s underlying values.
- to_numpy(**kwargs) ndarray [source]#
Return forecasting horizon’s underlying values as np.array.
- Parameters:
- **kwargsdict of kwargs
kwargs passed to
of wrapped pandas index.
- Returns:
- fhnp.ndarray
NumPy array containing forecasting horizon’s underlying values.
- to_relative(cutoff=None)[source]#
Return forecasting horizon values relative to a cutoff.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, or pd.Index, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one (and vice versa). If pd.Index, last/latest value is considered the cutoff
- Returns:
- fhForecastingHorizon
Relative representation of forecasting horizon.
- to_absolute(cutoff)[source]#
Return absolute version of forecasting horizon values.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, or pd.Index
Cutoff value is required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one (and vice versa). If pd.Index, last/latest value is considered the cutoff
- Returns:
- fhForecastingHorizon
Absolute representation of forecasting horizon.
- to_absolute_index(cutoff=None)[source]#
Return absolute values of the horizon as a pandas.Index.
For a forecaster
that hasfh
, the return of this method withcutoff=f.cutoff
is the same as the expected index of the return of the forecaster’s predict methods, e.g.,f.predict
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, or pd.Index
Cutoff value is required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one (and vice versa). If pd.Index, last/latest value is considered the cutoff
- Returns:
- fh_abspandas.Index
Absolute representation of forecasting horizon.
- to_absolute_int(start, cutoff=None)[source]#
Return absolute values as zero-based integer index starting from
.- Parameters:
- startpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int
Start value returned as zero.
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, or pd.Index, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one (and vice versa). If pd.Index, last/latest value is considered the cutoff
- Returns:
- fhForecastingHorizon
Absolute representation of forecasting horizon as zero-based integer index.
- to_in_sample(cutoff=None)[source]#
Return in-sample index values of fh.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one (and vice versa).
- Returns:
- fhForecastingHorizon
In-sample values of forecasting horizon.
- to_out_of_sample(cutoff=None)[source]#
Return out-of-sample values of fh.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value is required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one (and vice versa).
- Returns:
- fhForecastingHorizon
Out-of-sample values of forecasting horizon.
- is_all_in_sample(cutoff=None) bool [source]#
Whether the forecasting horizon is purely in-sample for given cutoff.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, default=None
Cutoff value used to check if forecasting horizon is purely in-sample.
- Returns:
- retbool
True if the forecasting horizon is purely in-sample for given cutoff.
- is_all_out_of_sample(cutoff=None) bool [source]#
Whether the forecasting horizon is purely out-of-sample for given cutoff.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value used to check if forecasting horizon is purely out-of-sample.
- Returns:
- retbool
True if the forecasting horizon is purely out-of-sample for given cutoff.
- to_indexer(cutoff=None, from_cutoff=True)[source]#
Return zero-based indexer values for easy indexing into arrays.
- Parameters:
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value required to convert a relative forecasting horizon to an absolute one and vice versa.
- from_cutoffbool, optional (default=True)
If True, zero-based relative to cutoff.
If False, zero-based relative to first value in forecasting
- Returns:
- fhpd.Index
- get_expected_pred_idx(y=None, cutoff=None, sort_by_time=False)[source]#
Construct DataFrame Index expected in y_pred, return of _predict.
- Parameters:
- ypd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pd.Index, or None
data to compute fh relative to, assumed in sktime pandas based mtype or index thereof if None, assumes no MultiIndex
- cutoffpd.Period, pd.Timestamp, int, or pd.Index, optional (default=None)
Cutoff value to use in computing resulting index. If cutoff is not provided, is computed from
.- sort_by_timebool, optional (default=False)
for MultiIndex returns, whether to sort by time index (level -1) - If True, result Index is sorted by time index (level -1) - If False, result Index is sorted overall
- Returns:
- fh_idxpd.Index, expected index of y_pred returned by predict
assumes pandas based return mtype