

Current maintainers of the object, GitHub IDs.

Part of packaging metadata for the object.

  • String name: "maintainers"

  • Public metadata tag

  • Values: string or list of strings

  • Example: ["benheid", "fkiraly", "yarnabrina"]

  • Example 2: "yarnabrina"

  • Default: "sktime developers"

The maintainers tag of an object is a string or list of strings, each string being a GitHub handle of a maintainer of the object.

Maintenance extends to the specific class in sktime only, and not interfaced packages or dependencies.

Maintainers should be tagged on issues and PRs related to the object, and have rights and responsibilities in accordance with the sktime governance model, see Algorithm maintainers.

To find an algorithm’s maintainer, use get_tag("maintainers") on the object, or use the search function in the estimator overview.

In case of classes not owned by specific algorithm maintainers, the tag defaults to the sktime core team.

Maintainers are given prominent visibility in the object’s metadata, and in automatically generated documentation.